SPEA’s Bed of Nails Board Testers are scalable In-Circuit Test platforms that deliver the shortest test time, superior diagnostic accuracy, and extended test coverage for the most comprehensive range of electronic products.

SPEA T300 Board Tester is an unprecedented and unique architecture board test system that supports up to 32 parallel In-Circuit Test cores with additional capability of 256 cores for Flashing and Functional Test. This enables the T300 Asynchronous Parallel Architecture to perform tests and Flash in parallel up to 32 PCBAs (Printed Circuit Board Assemblies). https://www.spea.com/en/products/t300-in-circuit-tester/

3030IL is the fully automatic bed-of-nails tester expressly designed to minimize the cost of test, providing unparalleled throughput without requiring the operator to load the PCB or perform the test. It can be quickly integrated into SMEMA production lines, or used with standard automatic board loaders/unloaders. Modular and fully upgradable, 3030IL combines a wide range of test capabilities in a unique, integrated, high-throughput, cost-effective system. https://www.spea.com/en/products/3030-inline/

3030M IS A MULTI-CORE MULTI-FUNCTION BOARD TESTER: https://www.spea.com/en/products/3030-m/
- -75% test cost with True Parallel Test
- Multifunction: full test coverage
- Fully customizable & upgradable
- Equippable with power instrumentation
- Automatic test program generation
- Parallel programming of different-type ICs
- Easy diagnostic of fixture’s pogo pins via mobile app